Ask Me Anything!


I’ve been hanging around YouTube of late, watching videos and commenting here and there, often on Muslim channels. I am fascinated by the religion and am excited to learn more about it. I’m particularly interested to see how Muslims integrate well established historical and scientific facts with their religion — their worldview. I am continually challenged to do the same with my Christian worldview! My hope is that we can mutually learn from each other.

I’ve had many, many productive chats. Along the way, I’ve managed to draw the ire of some of the channel moderators, who will, from time to time, block my replies from being seen. I can see them when I log in, but if I switch identities, they disappear. With that in mind, plus desiring the ability to format conversations (add diagrams, block quotes, bulleted lists, etc.) I am opening up this thread primarily for my Muslim friends in order to provide a safe, confidential forum that is not subject to censorship from either YouTube or the channel moderators. Continue reading

An Invitation to Grace

Welcome! This is the first installment of what I hope will prove to be a unique web experience for all of us! An Invitation to Grace was created by an eclectic group of writers, thinkers, theologians, philosophers, graphic artists/photographers, directors/producers and web geeks for you, the reader!

Together, we’ll explore the practical application of the Kingdom of God to our daily lives. And it isn’t easy. Jesus taught many things that go against the grain of modern life, not to mention life in biblical times. His teaching was both unique and revolutionary at the same time. We’ve not seen the likes since. So today, as a result, many people of faith (or of no faith at all) don’t have a clear picture of the paradigm shift that Jesus introduced.

We plan to include thoughtful audio and video podcasts of interviews, panel discussions, “man on the street” type surveys – all geared to understand the impact that Jesus has had on civilization to date.

We’d really like you to come with us on this journey. We’ll endeavor to keep our communication honest and transparent, not shying away from the tough questions. And we’ll try our best not to bore you. We respect the fact that you took the time to stop by our site when you could have gone anywhere.

Along those lines, we treasure your comments and truly respect all positions – especially those we might not agree with. To make it easy to keep up, I’d recommend that you click on the “Entries RSS” link on the home page (or just click here!) . This will create a browser shortcut that automatically displays article titles using our RSS feed (RSS definition here). It is safe and easy!

Again, thanks for stopping by. Check back often. Hang on, it should be a wild ride!