This conversation occurred back in late November, early December 2019 and was archived here in order to keep the AMA thread open.
This conversation occurred back in late November, early December 2019 and was archived here in order to keep the AMA thread open.
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Yo berean
Came to see this site of yours
Welcome NeoLegendX! I'm really glad you're here! Enjoy your look around and feel free to ask anything. My goal is to provide a safe space without censorship.
Why aren't you around anymore
I've been on over on a couple of threads on Saved By Allah's channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdTibvkJZ80 . How have you been? Is there anything on your mind?
Just was thinking that MCB had a few vids out and you weren't around for them. So I got curious.
Thanks! And I also appreciate your comments on the Saved By Allah channel. I think it is a noble goal to bring civility back to the YouTube comment section. In Judaeo-Christianity, each human soul is created in God's image, which imbues them with worth and dignity. My friend, Ken Calvert, just wrote a short article on this which I will publish after the one I'm about to publish. I'm really behind in my editorial duties! So stay tuned. I'd really appreciate your feedback on any of this if you are so inclined! See you around.
I'll check it out. Just notify me when the occasion comes
I've edited and published two of Ken Calvert's articles that you might find interesting:
I know that @Saved by Allah would freak out over the first one. He firmly believes that Jesus came only for the Jews and thought of everyone else as dogs. Reading scripture in context would appear to contradict that, but his input ports appear closed to concepts different from those he tightly grasps.
The second article is interesting in that it explores what it might mean for us to be created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).
If you want to discuss either article with the author, feel free to reply to the article. If you want to chat about it with me, then reply here. Ken is quite a deep thinker and has a very broad knowledge of almost any subject under the sun. He teaches several public health classes in our town's state university.
It is my belief, although I dont know how accurate or truthful, that if the Jews accepted him or rather the majority of them had accepted him, then the covenant with Israel would also extend to the gentiles. However when just a small portion accepted and the vast wanted to kill him that covenant was passed on to Ishmael. The stones the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone. He is the only, I'm not sure if they consider him a prophet or not, one that is rejected in their stories. All the rest they accept
Of what "building" is Jesus the cornerstone? Certainly not the Jews… Nor the Muslims, I might add. Scripture says that a new covenant was put in place by Jesus.
This new covenant was prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah:
Israel has largely forsaken this covenant (for now), allowing the gentile Church to be grafted in their stead.
How is it that Muslims are part of any covenant other than the Abrahamic one? They neither have nor practice the Mosaic law, nor affirm what Jesus actually taught, which was to fulfill the Law and the Prophets and put in place the new covenant that prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel foretold:
Jesus goes on in that passage to say "You heard it was said of old, 'You shall not murder..'" but then expands on that to the motive "But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment…" Clearly, he is developing something totally new — well beyond the Mosaic law.
So you're saying that 600 years later an illiterate caravan trader announces that their tribe is now the principal participant of either the Mosaic or Yeshuic (freshly coined by me!) covenant, in lieu of the Jews and Christians of the day, and yet upholds few of the terms of either covenant? True, you don't eat pork. But there is much more than abstaining from pork and promoting Tawhid. How, exactly, can you say that you are part of either covenant?
As for the image. There is no image of god any of his creation bares. It's even in the old testament. Those Us, We,Our are royal pronounces. Still singular. That are present in semitic languages. Neither we nor the jews disagree on that.
Could you please elaborate?… I'm not following. The Hebrews thought very highly about the creation of man. I'm thinking of that passage in Psalm 8 that goes:
I'm not saying that the plural use of elohim means we are gods, or that being made in the image of God means that we are gods — we are most definitely not. But I am saying that there is something special in humanity that separates it from the rest of creation and is worthy of being explored.
This brother explains it well.
I'll be taking a 2 to 3 day break from religion
Its friday and weakened
Got to rest
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