
Welcome to An Invitation to Grace!

This web site is managed by a dedicated group of writers, thinkers, theologians, philosophers, graphic artists/photographers, director/producers, and web geeks to critically explore together the subject of the Kingdom of God and its practical application to our daily lives. We’ll endeavor to do this honestly and transparently through articles and comments we’ll write and audio/video podcasts we’ll produce.

Comment Guidelines

We freely welcome your comments, critiques, suggestions and questions. One of the purposes of this site is to foster dialog from all perspectives. While we endorse freedom of speech and expression, we also realize that some speech just isn’t helpful. We encourage you to avoid ad hominem attacks, vulgarity and profanity. Our comments are moderated, and the display of your first comment will be delayed in order to verify that you aren’t abusing the site (eg. generating spam). We reserve the right to edit or delete individual comments. Edits will be clearly marked.

Privacy Policy Summary

You must be logged in to comment. You may authenticate your identity using credentials from a third party, such as YouTube/Google, Facebook or Twitter, or register directly on this site with a user name and email address (native WordPress login). If you authenticate using a third party, we’ll only store your name, avatar (logo) and email address. If you register directly with us, you may provide as much or as little information as you desire via your personal profile page. In any case, we need a valid email address to send you an initial password for your account (native WordPress logins only!), comment notifications, and updates to our privacy policy. Regardless of how you log in, we pledge to keep your private data private. Our site uses SSL 256-bit encryption for all communication. We’ll never send you SPAM or provide your information to anyone else… period. We will release your information only after we receive a court order compelling us to do so. For the full privacy policy, please visit https://www.invitationtograce.org/privacy/.

Contact Us

While our primary method of communication will be blog posts and associated comments, you can also reach us at info@invitationtograce.org.