I offer this evidence for lovers of truth proving that The Moderator of MuslimByChoice wields their considerable censorship power to stifle free discussion on their YouTube channel.
Notice anything missing?
Here’s another screenshot proving that I didn’t delete the comment after I posted it. If I had deleted, then re-inserted it, the timestamp wouldn’t say “6 hours ago (edited)”.
For our skeptic @DABAT UL ARD!!!!!!, I provided this screenshot on his request!
Just for grins, I took one more snapshot of the thread, logged in as @A Berean on Wednesday, August 14, 2019, primarily for the sake of @Jason Skywalker. Note that the blocked post by @A Berean is still there, with a timestamp of “10 months ago”. In this case, the block lifted after a few days, even though the blocked comment never appears. In my experience, once I’m blocked, I usually stay blocked permanently.
Now, I will admit that screenshots don’t constitute absolute proof. If I was a wizard with a full featured paint program, I could theoretically fake all this. I promise that this is not the case — I have neither the aptitude nor interest to become that good with any paint application. I have seen this behavior several dozen times, and it usually occurs once the discussion gets going and arguments are either supported or defeated (depending on your perspective).
So, what do you think? Did the evidence convince you of my assertion? If not, what evidence would be sufficient? Why would you be biased to give the benefit of the doubt to The Moderator, a person you’ve never met. Is it just because they are a Muslim? Isn’t that the definition of bigotry? Isn’t bigotry evil? Why do you suppose The Moderator does this? As always, your thoughts and comments are appreciated and welcome!